How to make auto clicker
How to make auto clicker

That will click the cookie every 10 milliseconds. intervalID = setInterval(function(), 10) No imports, running code, targetting windows and tabs, nope, just run this in the browser close to the source and you'll have a lot of cookies.

how to make auto clicker

This is the line you put in the console if you never want to (physically) click the cookie again.

how to make auto clicker how to make auto clicker

We can define separate functions and make it look nice, but javascript isn't picky about whitespace, so we can jam everything into one line. setTimeout says "I will run function once after delay has passed". Set interval repeats forever, it says "I will run function every delay milliseconds forever". There's two main ways to make a delay in javascript - the setInterval(function, delay) and setTimeout(function, delay) functions. We could do a while loop and have it run forever, but it's nice to have a little bit of a delay. It works! So now we need to automate this. Now we try something else: document.getElementById("bigCookie").click() That should return the html that we saw above. Go to the console and type: document.getElementById("bigCookie") So we know the id, and now we want to get the actual element. If we right click the cookie in Chrome, and hit 'Inspect Element', it will give us the HTML that represents the cookie, or at least a little bit of it. To do that, we need to find the name of the cookie, or some kind of identifier that will let us automate clicking. But what we want is to automate clicking. You'll be able to see everything about the website - where all the data came from, what's all running, when things get painted, what the source is, how the website interacts with the backend (get requests for json data, loading images). That will pop up a blank console that you can use to interact with the website. If you hop into a chrome / firefox console (chrome is ctrl+shift+i, or menu -> tools -> javascript console).

how to make auto clicker

Bottom line - If you're trying to automate a game that isn't flash, it's likely easier to use javascript to interact with the website. This also assumes you want to automate cookie clicker, but I'll give an outline for how to get what you need to automate an html game.

How to make auto clicker